- August 15th: the EasyChair is up
- August 15th: workshop accepted to ICSE’25!
- June 15th: workshop proposal sent to ICSE’25
- June 15th: the website is up
Call for submissions
Despite the desire of the research community to improve the productivity of software developers, it is challenging for research to move beyond papers into the everyday practice of software development. Since IDEs are among the most widely used tools in developers’ toolkit, they remain a crucial opportunity for research to reach software developers. To close the gap between research and adoption in practice, we launched the IDE workshop series at ICSE’24. In our post-workshop survey, the participants commented on the value they received, saying: “A lot of meaningful connections, including academy-to-industry, inspiring discussions”, “Lively and friendly atmosphere! The strong industry presence definitely makes discussing the topics more interesting”. We build upon the momentum from our first workshop and aim to exceed expectations at our second instance at ICSE’25.
At our workshop, we equip you with practical insights you need to successfully deploy your research through IDE plugins, as well as inspire academic educators and provide resources you can use to effectively teach SE concepts through IDE features.
We invite you to share your perspective and identify entry-barriers and promising ideas from the research community so that IDE builders can make informed decisions on how IDEs could best serve everyone. Join us and rub shoulders with a community of researchers and IDE builders that are committed to moving research into practice. Together we go farther.
Topics of interest
Our target audience includes both academic researchers and IDE developers from industry.
From the research side, we welcome any contributions that relate to IDEs, in the form of short research papers (up to 5 pages + 1 page for references) or shorter position papers (1–2 pages + 1 page for references). The topics include, but are not limited to:
- The development of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for IDEs.
- Integrating prototypes or machine learning models into the IDEs.
- Improving various IDE features, such as automated refactorings, quick fixes, etc.
- Program and static analysis inside the IDE.
- UI/UX studies of working in the IDE, analyzing the way people use IDEs, their workflow, activities, attention, eye movement, etc.
- Visualizations in the IDEs.
- Using IDEs to analyze software development activities by collecting usage data.
- Insights and case studies of teaching various SE concepts (e.g., program comprehension, refactoring, testing, debugging, etc.) using IDEs.
- Anecdotal experience about why a certain tool or research approach was not implemented on top of IDE infrastructure, what the blockers were, and how the IDEs can improve to become more convenient for prototyping.
- And others!
From industry, we invite the developers of IDEs:
- What exactly they are looking for in contributions from the research community.
- What researchers can do to increase the chance of integration into the existing IDEs.
- Insights about IDEs that researchers can use to accelerate their research development or could use for education.
We are open to the developers of other industrial solutions that operate outside IDEs (e.g., as standalone services) to understand what precludes tighter integration with the rest of the Dev Tooling.
We want to foster an inclusive community that is welcoming not only established academic researchers but also industry participants who might not be familiar with writing academic papers. Thus, we invite IDE builders to contribute short position papers (1-2 pages) in free form, and we ourselves can help with their formatting.
We invited developers and project managers of several IDEs (IntelliJ, Visual Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans, VS Code, AndroidStudio, etc.) to foster a fruitful discussion that can result in practical collaborations. Please join us, share your perspective, and take part in growing the community that cares about practical impact and improving the lives of software developers!
Submission process
The information about the paper template and the relevant ACM/IEEE policies can be found on the main ICSE page with submission information. Submissions must conform to the IEEE conference proceedings template, specified in the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines. The IDE workshop employs the single-blind review process, i.e., you do not need to conceal your identity. The workshop accepts short research papers (5 pages + 1 page for references) and shorter position papers (1-2 pages + 1 page for references).
Papers must be submitted electronically via by the defined deadline (see important dates below) on EasyChair: At least one author of each accepted paper should register for the workshop and present the paper in the workshop. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the proceedings chair for any inquiries (see contacts below).
The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by IEEE. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2025. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Important dates
- Papers submission deadline: November 11th, 2024
- Papers acceptance notification: December 1st, 2024
- Camera ready deadline: February 5th, 2025
Organizing committee
General chair: Danny Dig, JetBrains Research & University of Colorado Boulder
Program chair: Iftekhar Ahmed, University of California, Irvine
Publicity chair: Carolin Brandt, Delft University of Technology
Proceedings & Web chair, main contact person: Yaroslav Golubev, JetBrains Research. Please contact me at
Program committee
- Alexander Bezzubov, JetBrains
- Timofey Bryksin, JetBrains
- Tommaso Fulcini, Politecnico di Torino
- Noopur Gupta, IBM, Eclipse IDE
- Niklas Krieger, University of Stuttgart
- Sarah Nadi, New York University Abu Dhabi
- Goran Piskachev, Amazon Web Services
- Raluca Sauciuc, Google LLC, AndroidStudio
- Sandro Speth, University of Stuttgart
- Philipp Straubinger, University of Passau
- Simon Thompson, University of Kent
- Nikolaos Tsantalis, Concordia University
- Svetlana Zemlyanskaya, JetBrains GmbH
Content: CC BY-SA Yaroslav Golubev 2023 (get source code).
Theme: workshop-template-b by evanwill is built using Jekyll on GitHub Pages. The site is styled using Bootstrap.